On the 30th January, 2018 a Diploma of the “MPEI Honourable Professor” was awarded to the Director of Department of Corporative Research and Technologies, Siemens LLC Vice-President Dr. Matrin Gitsels.

In January 2018 cooperation between MPEI and Siemens stepped to the next level: upon the initiative of Martin Gitsels in autumn of 2017 Siemens had provided the equipment for the Department of Thermal Power Plants, and on the 12th of January 2018 a joint Siemens and MPEI science and education Laboratory of Digital Power Engineering. In frames of the Laboratory activity creation of the special group of scientists is planned. They are bound to make research in the field of Thermal Power Plants and realize the “Probability Projection” concept.

In the Ceremony of an honorary title “MPEI Honourable professor” assignment to the Director of the Department of Science and Technology Dr. Martin Gitsels took part:

  • Supervisor of the Science Department of the German Embassy Michael Dobis, Siemens LLC President and MPEI Honourable Doctor Mr. Dietrich Moeller
  • Head of DAAD Representative Office Dr. Andreas Hoeschen
  • Head of Representative Office of German Science and Research Association in Moscow Wilma Rethage
  • Specialist of the University Cooperation Direction of Siemens Anna Frolova.

With the help of Dr.Gitsels the liaisons and mutual projects of MPEI and German Universities are flourishing. For example, a number of students of a double-diploma MPEI-TU Ilmenau program received scholarships to participate in summer schools and get through a one-year Master Course in Germany. Moreover, in frames of a special project Siemens has given the financial opportunity to German professors to give lectures in MPEI and granted to students the practice stages in Russian and German branches of Siemens. The multimedia and server equipment to give the telecourses was provided, as well as opportunity for the program Alumni to get a meeting at the Siemens Headquart ers in Moscow. During the recent years employees of Siemens give lectures and seminars at the Geman Ingeeering Faculty of MPEI-TU Ilmenau.

More than 1000 students has already participated in this program, among them 160 have received two Diplomas, of MPEI and of TU Ilmenau.

Due to the care of Dr. Gitsels the Fund of the professor Ridle, the laureate of the “Global Energy” award, contributes to specially MPEI Alumni. The Fund annually gives scholarships to the students and employees of MPEI for the stages in the Erlangen-Nurenberg. Moreover Siemens increases their number and provides stages at their enterprises in Erlangen. Owing to this program, 19 MPEI students and employees got their stages in Germany, 18 students received scholarships in Moscow and 7 students and employees of German universities visited MPEI.

With the help of Dr. Gitsels some laboratory equipment was provided to MPEI and from 2008 the study courses upon the Siemens Electric Drives have been held, and the same year the equipment was given to the Department of Automated Control Systems for Thermal Processes. Dr. Gitsels has visited MPEI several times, participated in lectures for students and professors of MPEI and has been an invited reporter on the conferences and symposiums of MPEI.

The assignment of the honorary title “MPEI Honourable professor” to Dr. Martin Gitsels will definitely contribute to strengthening the liaisons between the Siemens Company and MPEI, fulfillment of the joint research and growth of the MPEI international reputation.

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