On the 14th of March, 2018, an international seminar was held in the residence of the Ambassador of Australia in Moscow. It was dedicated to the issues of administration in the field of scientific research activity of the Universities and the Institutes in frames of the visit in Russia of Macquarie University on scientific mission. This University is one of the top Australian Universities.

The seminar was opened by the Australian Ambassador Peter Tash. Macquarie University was presented by Ren Yi, Executive Director of Scientific Research Programs and International Science Collaboration, Nick Mancefield, Dean of Scientific Deparment, Matt Monkhouse, Head of the program of Global Partnership and Business Development.

Australian officials presented to the delegates a system of organization of international collaboration and finance in Australia, and a system of evaluation of the educational quality. The Senior Adviser of the Russian Scientific Fund, Sergey Konovalov, has discussed the opportunities to support the collaboration between Russia and Australia from the Russian side, and the expert of the 5-100 project presented some results of the program. Moreover, the discussion on the perspectives of collaboration between Russian and Australian Universities that has touched actual issues and possible realization difficulties, has occurred. Vice-rectors on research activity, representatives of the science departments and international services of Russian Universities were among the participants of the seminar. MPEI was represented by Vice-Head of the Power Engineering Management department, Sergey Guzhov and the International Academic Programmes Coordinator, Irina Kulik.

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