6 April was the final day of the first stage of “Interfestival” that has been lasting for 2 months.

The “Interfestival” program gathered numerous foreign students: Bachelors, Masters, Doctors, preliminary scholars from numerous countries that are represented in MPEI. Athletic Meetings, Exposition and Concert were a part of the program. Moreover, “Swan Lake”, “Nutcracker”, “Aelita” in State Kremlin Palace and Natalya Sats Musical Theatre.

Students participated in “Interspartakyad”. In frames of this event a number of competitions in different sports were held. Among them were ping-pong, badminton, two types of press, pull-up, chess, football, volleyball and basketball. The competitions were attended by cheering fans.


The culture exposition was attended by national communities of students. Most of them were in colourful national costumes and presented statuettes, embroidery, musical instruments, banknotes, jewelry and souvenirs. Anyone could taste the Vietnamese tea, rice flatbreads, take a look at the national dances and make some photos.

Among the officials were First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector on academic activity Tatiana Stepanova and Vice-Rector on international relations Vladimir Zamolodchikov, who gave the awards of “International Olympiad in Russian Language” and scholarship laureates, sportsmen, outstanding social workers and web-designers.

The goal to unite, relish and show respect to national spirits has been achieved.

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