From the 31st of January until the 2nd of February the 25th Annual Course took place at the Department of Electric Drives of MPEI. This year it was dedicated to the Optimization of control in Electric Drives and took the name of Sergey Kozyrev, former Head and leading scientist of the Department, whose 80th anniversary had been celebrated this year.

This year, the workshop was held


with the technical support of IEEE that attracted a high number of foreign guests, including Estonia, UK, Italy, Poland, Malta, Latvia, Georgia, China and Egypt.

On the first day of the workshop some exhibitions with the help of the Department of International Relations were organized, visit of the MPEI power plant, modeling laboratory of the Russian Power Engineering and educational VR stand.

On the second day the plenary Workshop part was held. It included numerous speeches in English that were heard by more than 120 guests.

All the reports presented at the Workshop will be distributed by the IEEE Xplore Digital Library that is indexed by Scopus and Web of Science.

On the third day, more than 30 Heads of Department of Electric Drives took part in the meeting of the methodical Committee. During the meeting that took place in the ABB education center, the questions of mutual cooperation in creating educational laboratories of ABB and Russian Universities were discussed. 

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