On the 22 of February foreign students of MPEI took part in the round-table conference “Peculiarities of work with foreign students” that was held in Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. In frames of the meeting the legal issues of foreign students in Russia were discussed.

From the part of MPEI the meeting was attended by the Head of International Students Council Ali Zayed Saleh Salem and MPEI foreign students.

The Head of the Public Chamber Committee on the Social Diplomacy Development, Humanities Cooperation and Traditional Values Preservation Elena Sutormina has marked a problem concerning the adaptation of foreign students at Russian universities. In her opinion, the faster the adaptation goes, the better the results are, so the Russian community is keen to solve the problem of adaptation, taking into consideration the fact that it will also help to rise in the International Universities ranks.

The round table participants have also discussed the problems of involving foreign students in the scientific development, realization of the students’ creative potential and job placement in Moscow, according to some press reviews.

Now more than 1300 foreign students are studying at MPEI. To help their adaptation the University organizes a range of cultural events, among which the biggest are ”International Festival” and “Russian Language Olympiad”. The reports about them can be seen on MPEI TV.​​​​

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