visa issue and arrival

Visa issue and arrival

After receiving from you the first payment on our invoice, MPEI sends to you by the reliable mail the origin of the official invitation plus the official letter from the university to the Russian Consulate with confirmation of your acceptation to education in MPEI. The letter will be sent to that address which will be mentioned by you together with the name of contact person and his local telephone number.

After receiving this letter, you inform us about it and prepare the set of documents to apply into Russian Consulate to get the entry visa. At the same time, you ask the Consulate to legalize your educational documents and translate them into Russian.

After getting the entry visa, you buy the plane ticket trying to arrive Moscow between August 25th to September 10th. For our pick-up service, you inform us about the date and time of arrival, flight number, and name of Moscow airport the three working days before the arrival. You will be met at airport with the list of paper, on which you will see MPEI and your name. The meeting is free of charge, if you will arrive in working time, otherwise you should pay. You will be transferred to the university and guided to the Dean office.