First stage of “Interfestival 2018” is finished

6 April was the final day of the first stage of “Interfestival” that has been lasting for 2 months. The “Interfestival” program gathered numerous foreign students: Bachelors, Masters, Doctors, preliminary scholars from numerous countries that are represented in MPEI. Athletic Meetings, Exposition and Concert were a part of the program. Moreover, “Swan Lake”, “Nutcracker”, “Aelita” in State Kremlin Palace and ...
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Rector of MPEI Nikolay Rogalev took part in the session of Economics Issues Committee in frames of CIS Economics Council

Nikolay Rogalev, Rector of MPEI, took part in the session of the Economics Issues Committee in frames of the CIS Economics Council. On the 22nd of March a planned session of the Economics Issues Committee within the CIS Economics Council was held. It has been led by the co-chairman of the Committee, plenipotentiary representative of Russia, Vladimir Vorobyev. The session ...
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MPEI continues active work in Mongolia

Head of Department of International Relations, Senior professor of Department of Physics, MPEI, Alexander Tarasov, was directed to the Institute of Power Engineering of Mongolian University of Science and Technology(MUST) in frames of the Agreement of collaboration between MPEI and MUST. The main goals of his visit were to read lectures, hold negotiations about the fulfillment of joint Mongolian-Russian education ...
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Delegates of MPEI took part in the international seminar organized by Australian Embassy in Moscow

On the 14th of March, 2018, an international seminar was held in the residence of the Ambassador of Australia in Moscow. It was dedicated to the issues of administration in the field of scientific research activity of the Universities and the Institutes in frames of the visit in Russia of Macquarie University on scientific mission. This University is one of ...
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Round table upon peculiarities of work with foreign students

On the 22 of February foreign students of MPEI took part in the round-table conference “Peculiarities of work with foreign students” that was held in Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. In frames of the meeting the legal issues of foreign students in Russia were discussed. From the part of MPEI the meeting was attended by the Head of International ...
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MPEI is selected as the first Russian University to pass the training in frames of the program Erasmus +

During 08.10.2017 – 14.10.2017 staff of the international department of Warsaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) Anna Nosal, Head of academic mobility department, and Adriana Nasyazhec, Head of abroad deputation department, selected MPEI to pay the first fact-finding visit to the Russian Universities, and passed their training at MPEI on the program Erasmus + (the academic mobility). Warsaw University ...
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Peter Hiller is MPEI Honorary Professor

On the 24th of October, 2017 the ceremony of delivery of the diploma “MPEI Honorary Professor” to Doctor Peter Hiller – Head of the Moscow Department of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) took place. By the aid of Mr. Hiller a number of communications and projects between MPEI and various universities of Germany are successfully developing. So, students of ...
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Ceremony of honorary title “MPEI Honourable professor” assignment to Director of Department of Science and Technology Dr. Martin Gitsels

On the 30th January, 2018 a Diploma of the “MPEI Honourable Professor” was awarded to the Director of Department of Corporative Research and Technologies, Siemens LLC Vice-President Dr. Matrin Gitsels. In January 2018 cooperation between MPEI and Siemens stepped to the next level: upon the initiative of Martin Gitsels in autumn of 2017 Siemens had provided the equipment for the ...
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International Workshop by Department of Electric Drives

From the 31st of January until the 2nd of February the 25th Annual Course took place at the Department of Electric Drives of MPEI. This year it was dedicated to the Optimization of control in Electric Drives and took the name of Sergey Kozyrev, former Head and leading scientist of the Department, whose 80th anniversary had been celebrated this year ...
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Delegation of professional technical college of Xuchang in MPEI

On the 6th of February the delegation of the Xuchang University, Henan, China visited MPEI. The turning point for the Xuchang University’s foundation is 1907. It became one of the first among the China’s Republic Henan Universities. After the foundation of New China in 1949, the former Xuchang School has become a first Pedagogical college in the western Xuchang district ...
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