Dear colleagues and friends!

I sincerely welcome you on behalf of National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”. The years passed side by side with the University staff during its history are inseparably linked with life of our country, with all events of its history. MPEI founded in 1930 became a part of this history, because power engineering significantly determines the fate of the country that begins with professional training.

During all these years MPEI graduates have participated in creating the largest thermal, hydro and nuclear power plants; successfully solved problems of electric power supply, heat supply and energy saving; developed and introduced modern radio-electronic and information technologies, participated in programs of space exploration. Many graduates of MPEI are awarded by high ranks, and their works have received prestigious awards.

MPEI combines “pure energy” and “non-energy” specialties that provides the deepest range of tasks solved by our graduates. We train qualified specialists for all branches of science, technology and production.

Glorious by its traditions, the University has prepared over 200 thousand specialists on power engineering for our country and for more than 85 foreign countries.

Now MPEI is not simply the leading Russian university in the field of power engineering.  We unite other Russian technical universities training specialists on power engineering within Power Engineering Educational Consortium.  Today MPEI is a modern system of multilevel continuous training of specialists with higher education in technical, economic, and humanitarian fields. Advanced technologies of training introduced in MPEI, orientation to modern methods in educational, scientific and innovative activity guarantee sustainable advantage in labor market for our graduates and assist them with their further professional growth.

Our University has close relations with many foreign universities as friends and partners, with whom we have signed long-term cooperation agreements.

We have always been aspired to make the walls of Moscow Power Energy Institute a home for graduated qualified specialists who are responsible for the present and the future of their countries. We are proud of our past, we feel confidence in the present and we look to the future with optimism!

MPEI Rector, Professor Nikolay D. Rogalev