Institute of Power Engineering Efficiency Problems

Head of department

IPEEP Director – Ph.D. (Techn.), associate professor
Sergey V. Zakharov

(+7-495) 362-73-38, (+7-495) 362-75-88

​Institute of Energy Efficiency Problems (IEEP) was created as a MPEI structural sub-division in 2000 on the basis of the former Industrial Heat Engineering Faculty and preserved its face, its traditions and experience which were accumulated during more than 50-years of its activity. At present IEEP includes five departments and three scientific sub-departments, it has two directions of Bachelor and two directions of Master courses; six specialties for engineers and four specialties for Ph.D. courses; two educational-scientific centers and four training and retraining centers which are used by IEEP 1350 students and 50 Ph.D.-students. The total staff of IEEP professors and teachers includes more than 100 persons and among them 30 Dr.Sci. and 60 Ph.D. Research staff is about 80 persons. Among them:

  • three Honor Scientific Workers of the Russian Federation,
  • two corresponding-members of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
  • two laureates of State Prize of the USSR and the Russian Federation,
  • eight laureates of the prizes of the Russian Government,
  • four Honor Experts in Energetic of the Russian Federation,
  • one academician and six corresponding members of the Russian Engineering Academy.

The IEEP curriculums are formed in such a way that the students of all specialties absorb the deep knowledge on mathematics, physical properties of processes, become proficient in theory and in methods of fulfillment of engineering and economic investigations as well as the methods of mathematical simulation of complicated processes and systems with the help of the modern information-measurement and computer techniques. Special attention is given to the ecology training which is of great importance at present time for the specialist. Since modern enterprises require the qualified technical specialists with good economic orientation, profound training of the economical disciplines is included into curriculums for all specialties. The students may receive more advanced knowledge on economics at the evening department (second education), being educated simultaneously on the main specialty. These IEEP graduates will get two state diplomas.

Activity sphere of IEEP graduates is wide enough: from complicated multilevel system of heat engineering complex of the modern enterprise to energy saving technologies of new generation; from hydrogen energetic and electrical-chemical installations to the system of heating and ventilation.


Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Г-415, Moscow, 111250 Russia

(+7-495) 362-73-38