Institute of Power Machinery and Mechanics

Head of department

IPMM Director – professor Sergey A. SERKOV

(+7-495) 362-74-28

​The Institute of Power Machinery and Mechanics (IPPM) was reorganized in 2002 as a structural sub-division of MPEI university on the basis of the former Power Machinery Faculty and certainly preserved its face, its traditions and experience which were accumulated during 65-years of its activity. At present IPPM includes 10 departments, six of which graduate the final specialists and four are of general education; it has three directions of Bachelor and Master courses; six specialties for engineers and six specialties for Ph.D. courses; one educational-scientific center; three Centers of qualification improvement and all of them can be used by IPMM 850 students and 40 Ph.D.-students. The total staff of IPMM professors and teachers includes more that 300 persons and among them are more than 20 Dr.Sci., 100 Ph.D., two Academicians, one correspondence-member of Russian Academy of Sciences, seven Honored Science Worker of Russian Federation.

From the moment of its creation, IPMM graduated more than 10.000 qualified experts, hundreds of Ph.D. and Dr. Sci. IPMM graduates work not only in Russia and former USSR, but in many foreign countries. IPPM is fairly proud of its graduates among which are famous scientists and designers, leaders of large R&D organizations, leaders of the power machinery plants as well as the designing, fixing and other organizations.

The results of scientific and pedagogical activity of the IPMM researchers and teachers were repeatedly marked by the high state awards and State Prizes of USSR and Russia. Scientific books and textbooks prepared by IPMM scientists and teachers actually in all directions of power machinery, thermal power engineering, hydro- and gas dynamics, theoretical and applied mechanics are well known in Russia and were translated into different languages.

Scientific research of IPMM’s students is regularly marked by the medals and diplomas in All-Russia competitions. IPMM student team is the multiple world champion in the field of mobile robots. A lot of IPMM alumni and teachers were awarded with the medals of the Russian Space Federation for the creation of the students’ artificial satellite.


Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Б-410, Moscow, 111250 Russia

Phone: (+7-495) 362-72-61
Fax: (+7-495) 362-74-28
