Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics

Head of department

IREE Director – Dr.Sci. Professor Irina N. MIROSHNIKOVA

General information about IREE

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (IREE) named after Academician V.A. Kotelnikov was created as a structural MPEI sub-division in 2002. IREE includes two faculties: Radio Engineering Faculty (REF) and Faculty of Electronics (FE), which undoubtedly preserved its face, its traditions and experience, which were accumulated during more than 50-years of its activity. At present, IREE includes eleven departments, ten student and nine Ph.D-student specialties, six educational centers of qualification improvement including three centers with the foreign partners, which are available for more than IREE 1.500 students and more than IREE 70 Ph.D.-students; Research Center of Gyromagnetic Electronics, Education-Research Center “Modern Radio Electronic and Telecommunication Technologies”, Scientific-Development Center “Design Bureau of Radio Electronic Devices and Systems”. The total staff of IREE professors and teachers includes more that 250 persons and among them 47 Dr.Sci and more than 145 Ph.D.

There are famous scientists in the field of theoretical physics, radio-physics, electronics, the developers of large radio engineering systems of industrial and military purposes among IREE graduates. Many IREE graduates became famous scientists, the politicians, the leaders of large scientific and industrial bodies, the laureates of the State Awards.

Radio Engineering Faculty (REF) of IREE

Radio Engineering is one of the most dynamically developing fields of engineering activity. From 1938 REF of MPEI trains the high-quality specialists for science and industry.

REF arranges the educational process based on the maximal opportunity for development, in order to allow each student to reveal his potential possibilities.

Thus, each student may fulfil the scientific activity on any REF department.


Faculty of Electronics (FE) of IREE

Trains the high-quality specialists for the science and industry during more than 50 years. The application area of the electronic devices and systems is extremely wide since they are the main instruments at performing the fundamental and applied physical investigations, the basis of the modern computer and microprocessor engineering, radio engineering, automatics and technical cybernetics, widely used in many branches of national economy and in house-holding.


Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Б-316, Moscow, 111250 Russia

(+7-495) 362-77-43