Student life

The student interests behind the MPEI university’s administration is defended by the student trade-union organization which has the motto “We are always in two steps from you”. The top-priority tasks of MPEI Students Trade-Union Committee are to ensure the optimal conditions for the students in getting the high-quality knowledge, to guarantee the students life in the hostel, to offer the physical development and various cultural leisure, to perform the financial support in the complicated living situations.

To fulfil the mentioned tasks the MPEI students trade-union committee performs the following:

  • offers to students the material help of the various types: the financial help, the single grants, the subsidies, the additions to the scholarships etc.;
  • watches on the fulfillment by MPEI administration the Russian regulations concerning the students, checks the organization of the educational process, examining the possible conflicts;
  • helps to students and graduates in job placement during the education as well as after graduation;
  • arranges the students recovery in the MPEI sanatorium-preventorium which allows the students health improvement around the clock simultaneously with the education;
  • prepares the students publications of the MPEI newspaper “Energetic” which is the free of charge tribune for MPEI students self-expression;
  • supports and keeps the MPEI student traditions, such as Faculty Parties, Dedication to Students etc. Each student may feel himself as involved to the great MPEI family;
  • arranges the student rest at the legendary camp ALUSHTA on the Black Sea and at the Moscow-suburb student camp ENERGIA, which are available for MPEI students during winter and summer holidays.

Under the special guardianship of the trade-union there is the so-called KVN MPEI. This is the students game which is the unique and beloved phenomenon of Russia. The team MPEI KVN called “Usual people” became in 2007 the Champion of the International Union of KVN. Some years ago the MPEI trade-union committee together with the university administration revived the Union of Student Construction Parties. This former popular in the USSR form offers the opportunity to earn the money and to get the new skills together with finding the new contacts. MPEI trade-union committee invites on site for additional data.